1) You can follow up with an update. Add a 'Buy now!' call to action to your
email. Your ending P.S. can state 'Don't forget about the upsell too! '.
2) You might follow up with a reminder. Include a 'Visit today!' command to
your ad. Your closing postscript might communicate 'Don't ignore the OTO
either! '.
3) You could follow up with a lower price. Link a 'Grab it!' phrase to your
letter. Your concluding P.S. could say 'Become a member! '.
4) You may follow up with a video clip. Join a 'Order now!' line to your
message. Your finishing postscript may affirm 'Become a customer! '.
5) You should follow up with a happy birthday. Affix a 'Go Here!' request to
your note. Your wrap up P.S. can air 'Become a subscriber '.
6) You can follow up with a don't procrastinate notice. Plug in a 'Purchase
today!' suggestion to your reply. Your last postscript might express 'Don't
miss this! '.
7) You might follow up with a free warranty. Tack on a 'Get It!' order to your
memo. Your adjourning P.S. could voice 'Don't skip this! '.
8) You could follow up with a product preview. Connect a 'Enroll here!'
demand to your email. Your ending postscript may present 'Don't ignore
this! '.
9) You may follow up with a sale ending rumor. Attach a 'Subscribe below!'
statement to your email. Your closing P.S. can recite 'Don't miss your
chance! '.
10) You should follow up with an affiliate option. Couple a 'Join instantly!'
comment to your ad. Your concluding postscript might explain 'Don't be
late! '.
11) You can follow up with a frequently asked questions. Post a 'Own it!'
remark to your letter. Your finishing P.S. could report 'See it in action! '.
12) You might follow up with a press release. Bind a 'Register it!'
submission to your message. Your wrap up postscript may vent 'See all the
examples! '.
13) You could follow up with a surprise bonus. Fasten a 'Click here!' pitch
to your note. Your last P.S. can tell them to 'Get all the details! '.
14) You may follow up with a sale schedule. Insert a 'Proceed here!'
proposal to your reply. Your adjourning postscript might speak 'Get the
specifics! '.
15) You should follow up with a price hike alert. Enclose a 'Reserve it!' line
to your memo. Your ending P.S. could confirm 'Get the particulars! '.
16) You can follow up with a free report. Involve a 'Start here!' invitation to
your email. Your closing postscript may testify 'Try the samples! '.
17) You might follow up with a lower supply caution. Paste a 'Begin now!'
instruction to your email. Your concluding P.S. can insist 'Change your life
forever! '.
18) You could follow up with an audio memo. Hitch a 'Download it!' call to
action to your ad. Your finishing postscript might declare 'It's time to
succeed! '.
19) You may follow up with an apology/sorry. Implant a 'Listen to it!'
command to your letter. Your wrap up P.S. could certify 'Buy one get one
free! '.
20) You should follow up with a just making sure. Add a 'Watch it!' phrase
to your message. Your last postscript may broadcast 'Add it to the cart! '.
21) You can follow up with a warning. Affix a 'Sign up!' line to your note.
Your adjourning P.S. can disclose 'Very low investment! '.
22) You might follow up with a bad link correction. Adjoin a 'Read It!'
request to your reply. Your ending postscript might exhibit 'Get a sneak
peak! '.
23) You could follow up with a coupon. Paste a 'See it!' suggestion to your
memo. Your closing P.S. could divulge 'Solve all your problems! '.
24) You may follow up with a criticism report. Provide a 'Check it out!' order
to your email. Your concluding postscript may reveal 'Just fill in your order
info! '.
25) You should follow up with a past conversation. Plant a 'Apply now!'
demand to your email. Your finishing P.S. can expose 'One click ordering! '.
26) You can follow up with a freebie. Post a 'Do it!' statement to your ad.
Your wrap up postscript might utter 'Reserve your spot! '.
27) You might follow up with a rebate offer. Dispense a 'Call today!'
comment to your letter. Your last P.S. could publish 'Take your position! '.
28) You could follow up with an endorsement. Furnish a 'Benefit now!'
remark on your message. Your adjourning postscript may write 'Just submit
you order info! '.
29) You may follow up with a myth stopper. Tack on a 'Please yourself!'
submission to your note. Your ending P.S. can market 'Just confirm your
order! '.
30) You should follow up with a persuasive quote. Present a 'Act now!'
pitch to your reply. Your closing postscript might advertise 'You're
preapproved! '.
31) You can follow up with a payment plan. Remit a 'Take action!' proposal
to your memo. Your concluding P.S. could promote 'Just click the 'buy
button'! '.
32) You might follow up with a free ebook. Issue a 'Request it!' suggestion
to your email. Your finishing postscript may publicize 'Order at the bottom! '.
33) You could follow up with a don't forget. Fasten a 'Shop for it!' invitation
to your email. Your wrap up P.S. can proclaim 'It's guaranteed for 30 days!
34) You may follow up with a mrr/plr option. Present a 'Save today!'
instruction to your ad. Your last postscript might declare 'This is a lifetime
pass! '.
35) You should follow up with an informative article. Extend a 'Book it!' call
to action to your letter. Your adjourning P.S. could uncover 'You'll see the
value! '.
36) You can follow up with an explanation. Tender a 'Contact us!' command
to your message. Your ending postscript may remind 'Try it for (no.) days! '.
37) You might follow up with a trial offer. Use a 'View it!' phrase on your
note. Your closing P.S. can state 'It's a great bargain! '.
38) You could follow up with a price correction. Attach a 'Try it!' line to your
reply. Your concluding postscript might communicate 'Don't hesitate! '.
39) You may follow up with a receipt. Staple a 'Research it!' request to your
memo. Your finishing P.S. could say 'You be the judge! '.
40) You should follow up with an offer summary. Equip a 'Review it!'
suggestion to your email. Your wrap up postscript may affirm 'No hidden
fees! '.
41) You can follow up with a gift certificate. Deliver a 'Inspect it!' order to
your email. Your last P.S. can air 'See for yourself! '.
42) You might follow up with a price reduction. Pack a 'Hear it!' demand to
your ad. Your adjourning postscript might express 'It's a today only special!
43) You could follow up with a just checking. Add a 'Preorder it!' statement
to your letter. Your ending P.S. could voice 'You can decide! '.
44) You may follow up with a thank you. Include a 'Test it!' comment to your
message. Your closing postscript may present 'Don't procrastinate! '.
45) You should follow up with a survey/poll. Link a 'Visit this url!' remark to
your note. Your concluding P.S. can recite 'It's your choice! '.
46) You can follow up with a to do list. Stick a 'Upgrade!' submission to
your reply. Your finishing postscript might explain 'Enjoy the earlybird offer!
47) You might follow up with an one-time offer. Affix a 'Access it!' pitch to
your memo. Your wrap up P.S. could report 'Get (no.)% off! '.
48) You could follow up with a last chance/call note. Plug in a 'Decide now!'
proposal to your email. Your last postscript may vent 'The price goes up
every (no.) minutes! '.
49) You may follow up with a statistics. Tack on a 'Retain it!' demand to
your email. Your adjourning P.S. can tell them to' Get $(no.) for the next
(no.) hours! '.
50) You should follow up with a contest. Connect a 'Acquire it!' invitation to
your ad. Your ending postscript might speak 'Free trial offer! '.
51) You can follow up with a correction. Attach a 'Snatch it!' instruction to
your letter. Your closing P.S. could confirm 'This offer ends soon! '.
52) You might follow up with a news bulletin. Couple a 'Take it!' call to
action to your message. Your concluding postscript may testify 'Get over
(no.) bonuses! '.
53) You could follow up with sales numbers. Post a 'Steal it!' command to
your note. Your finishing P.S. can insist 'The price will increase in (no.)
days! '.
54) You may follow up with a free shipping. Bind a 'Pick it up!' phrase to
your reply. Your wrap up postscript might declare 'There's an easy payment
plan! '.
55) You should follow up with a product comparison. Fasten a 'Secure it!'
line to your memo. Your last P.S. could certify 'This deal will disappear
soon! '.
56) You can follow up with an add-on offer. Insert a 'Plunder it!' request to
your email. Your adjourning postscript may broadcast 'Take advantage of
the low cost trial! '.
57) You might follow up with a presentation. Enclose a 'Run with it!'
demand to your email. Your ending P.S. can disclose 'Pay attention to the
countdown counter! '.
58) You could follow up with a forgot to mention. Involve a 'Pay for it!' order
on your ad. Your closing postscript might exhibit 'Select bill me later! '.
59) You may follow up with a sweepstakes. Paste a 'Visualize it!'
suggestion to your letter. Your concluding P.S. could divulge 'You can
name your own price! '.
60) You should follow up with a free ecourse. Hitch a 'Consider it!'
statement to your message. Your finishing postscript may reveal 'Like it or
double you money back! '.
61) You can follow up with a newer version. Implant a 'Pillage it!' comment
to your note. Your wrap up P.S. can expose 'The price has been cut! '.
62) You might follow up with a customer loyalty reward. Add a 'Dig it!'
remark to your reply. Your last postscript might utter 'Remember to get your
rebate! '.
63) You could follow up with a server fixed. Link a 'Fetch it!' submission to
your memo. Your adjourning P.S. could publish 'The price has been
reduced! '.
64) You may follow up with a joke/humor. Adjoin a 'Admire it!' pitch to your
email. Your ending postscript may write 'See our affiliate program offer too!
65) You should follow up with a more bonuses. Secure a 'Think about it!'
proposal to your email. Your closing P.S. can say 'All the extra fees will be
waived! '.
66) You can follow up with a good news. Provide a 'Enjoy it!' advice to your
ad. Your concluding postscript might advertise 'Also enter our new contest
and win a (subject)! '.
67) You might follow up with a compliment. Plant a 'Savor it!' invitation to
your letter. Your finishing P.S. could promote 'It comes with PLR/MRR too!
68) You could follow up with a almost gone letter. Commit a 'Apprehend it!'
instruction to your message. Your wrap up postscript may publicize 'We will
pay your sales tax! '.
69) You may follow up with a screen shots. Dispense a 'Imagine it!' call to
action to your note. Your last P.S. can proclaim 'A percentage of all profits
go to charity! '.
70) You should follow up with a testimonials. Furnish a 'Love it!' command
to your reply. Your adjourning postscript might declare 'We accept the
competition’s prices/coupons! '.
71) You can follow up with breaking news. Paste a 'Feel it!' phrase to your
memo. Your ending P.S. could uncover 'Spend over $(no.) and get a
(subject)! '.
72) You might follow up with a problem and solution. Present a 'Analysis it!'
line in your email. Your closing postscript may remind them to' Beta test it
for free! '.
73) You could follow up with a highlight. Remit a 'Study it!' request to your
email. Your concluding P.S. can state 'There's still an introductory price! '.
74) You may follow up with a thanks for visiting. Issue a 'Invest in it!'
suggestion to your ad. Your finishing postscript might communicate 'This
product will retire soon! '.
75) You should follow up with a skeptic proof. Supply a 'Like it!' order to
your letter. Your wrap up P.S. could say 'Be part of the jv partner program
too! '.
76) You can follow up with a special report. Ship a 'Take advantage!'
demand to your message. Your last postscript may affirm 'A price cut for
the holidays! '.
77) You might follow up with a holiday greeting. Extend a 'Picture it!'
statement to your note. Your adjourning P.S. can air 'Wholesale and
volume pricing available! '.
78) You could follow up with a joint venture offer. Tender a 'Bag it!'
comment to your reply. Your ending postscript might express 'It's a limited
time offer! '.
79) You may follow up with a price/quantity miscalculation. Stock a 'Ponder
it!' remark to your memo. Your closing P.S. could voice 'It will be sold in a
fire sale format! '.
80) You should follow up with a bartering option. Bag a 'Cheer it!'
submission to your email. Your concluding postscript may present 'This is
the uncut/uncensored version! '.
81) You can follow up with a success story. Staple a 'Smell it!' pitch to your
email. Your finishing P.S. can recite 'Make you money back as an affiliate!
82) You might follow up with a what's wrong question. Equip a 'Adore it!'
proposal to your ad. Your wrap up postscript might explain 'Make sure to
read the testimonials! '.
83) You could follow up with a pay later option. Deliver a 'Hold it!' advice to
your letter. Your last P.S. could report 'Be our next success story! '.
84) You may follow up with a bad news. Pack a 'Delight in it!' invitation to
your message. Your adjourning postscript may vent 'This took (no.) months
to create! '.
85) You should follow up with a forgive me. Add a 'Embrace it!' instruction
to your note. Your ending P.S. can tell 'Reading this ad alone will give you
tips! '.
86) You can follow up with a free viral ebook. Include a 'Taste it!' call to
action to your reply. Your closing postscript might speak 'We have highly
secure ordering! '.
87) You might follow up with a sale extension. Link a 'Celebrate it!'
command to your memo. Your concluding P.S. could confirm 'You are
making the right choice! '.
88) You could follow up with an instruction. Post a 'Acknowledge it!' phrase
to your email. Your finishing postscript may testify 'Go see all the proof! '.
89) You may follow up with an order deadline. Affix a 'Display it!' line to
your email. Your wrap up P.S. can insist 'We have free 24/7 customer
support! '.
90) You should follow up with a new payment option. Plug in a 'Benefit from
it!' request to your ad. Your last postscript might declare 'You'll pay way
below market value! '.
91) You can follow up with a name your price option. Tack on a 'Master it!'
suggestion to your letter. Your adjourning P.S. could certify 'It may be tax
deductible! '.
92) You might follow up with a policy change. Connect a 'Relish in it!' order
to your message. Your ending postscript may broadcast 'Even (a famous
person) bought it! '.
93) You could follow up with a pictures. Attach a 'Empower it!' demand to
your note. Your closing P.S. can disclose 'No applications to fill out! '.
94) You may follow up with a server meltdown. Couple a 'Have it!'
statement to your reply. Your concluding postscript might exhibit 'It's been
seen on (media outlets)! '.
95) You should follow up with a free membership. Post a 'Believe it!'
comment to your memo. Your finishing P.S. could divulge 'Wait to you see
the graphics! '.
96) You can follow up with a gossip. Bind a 'Cherish it!' remark to your
email. Your wrap up postscript may reveal 'Upgrade fast! (media outlet)
rated it 10 out of 10! '.
97) You might follow up with a directions. Fasten a 'Possess it!' submission
to your email. Your last P.S. can expose 'It's has been thoroughly tested to
work! '.
98) You could follow up with a glitch repaired. Insert a 'Welcome it!' pitch to
your ad. Your adjourning postscript might utter 'It's won countless product
awards! '.
99) You may follow up with a stronger guarantee. Enclose a 'Appreciate it!'
proposal to your letter. Your ending P.S. could publish 'Get it before you
competition does! '.
100) You should follow up with a free consulting. Involve a 'Use it!' advice
to your message. Your closing postscript may write 'Every (no.)th visitor will
win a copy! '
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